Millers Falls Braces

Millers Falls Drills


Goodell-Pratt Company - Greenfield, MA


Goodell Brothers - the Bedrock of Goodell-Pratt Co.
by Wiktor Kuc

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Following a usual practice, Henry E. didn't wait for the patent award and began production as soon as the design was completed.  One of the first reviews appeared in the Carpentry and Building magazine, August, 1903:

"The Goodell Miter Box

We take pleasure in presenting to the attention of our readers an illustrated description of a new miter box, which has just been placed upon the market by the Goodell Mfg. Company of Greenfield, Mass. The box is made entirely of Bessemer steel, thus doing away with all liability of breakage, and the manufacturers claim that it is the first of its kind ever placed on the market. The backs are made of cold rolled steel, corrugated to a 1/4 inch in depth to 1/2 inch in width, thus allowing perfect clearance for sawdust. In addition to the angles found on regular boxes, it is possible to instantly set the Goodell miter box to any desired angle by simply turning a lever.

The construction is said to be such that the box gives 10-1/2 inches width at right angles and 7-1/4 inches at the miter. It is made in two sizes, both of which can be furnished with extra angle attachment to increase the angle above 45 degrees."

The advertising for the miter box began almost immediately.  Starting in November, 1903, The National Builder published the following advertisement.  In January, 1905 this advertisement was modified to include a saw.

The advertisement text from the January, 1905, says:

Made Entirely of STEEL. No More Breaking.
Our Automatic Stops for holding up saw are the simplest, quickest actingand by far
the most convenient, the saw being released by simply pressing down on it.
Backs corrugated, allowing clearance for sawdust. Graduated. Many Improvements.
Quality ahead and entirely in a class by itself, and the carpenter
that once sees it will have no other.
GOODELL MFG. CO., Greenfield, Mass.

In December, 1906, The National Builder editor run short evaluation of this advertising campaign:

"Goodell Mitre Box

The Goodell Mitre Box, an illustration of which can be seen in the Goodell Manufacturing Company's advertisement in this issue, has had a wonderful sale during the past year. The popularity of this mitre box among the best carpenters and building people is accounted for from the fact that the Goodell "Steel" Mitre Box is the only one of its kind on the market. The advantage of having a mitre box that will not break and with all the desirable improvements, seems to be just what is wanted.

The manufacturers state that in designing this mitre box the aim has been to see how good a box they could make, regardless of cost, and they feel that the big demand for their box is evidence that quality counts. The reading matter sent out contains a full description of this "steel" box and is worth reading by anyone interested in the most modern woodworking tools. The Goodell Manufacturing Company, makers of this mitre box and other tools for the mechanic, is located in Greenfield, Mass."

Another item that came out of this shop was a Greenfield Drill Chuck.  Although the Western New England magazine stated that the chuck is an “invention of Mr. Henry Goodell”, we can’t locate a patent for this chuck.  In later Goodell-Pratt Co.'s catalogs the chuck appears, against common practice, without a patent date, which suggests that there is no patent for this design.

The Automobile Dealer and Repairer journal published a review of the Greenfield Drill Chuck in March, 1915:

"The Greenfield Drill Chuck

This is a strong, accurate, and well made drill chuck at a popular price, and it is especially adapted for use in automobile garages and repair shops.

The shell is one piece, and the jaws are of tool steel, carefully hardened and tempered.  It has ball-bearing thrust, and the thread of the shank being concealed, there is no chance for it to become bruised or injured. The bearing in the Greenfield Drill Chuck is in the center of the shell, which produces an accurate and more reliable chuck than when the bearing is at the extreme rear. The chuck has such a strong grip that no spanner wrench is required to tighten, but one is furnished with the two larger sizes, as occasionally one is needed to loosen. The shank forms part of the chuck, making it complete, ready for use.  For prices and full particulars write to the Goodell Manufacturing Company, Greenfield, Mass."

The miter boxes and chucks were sold by Goodell Mfg. Co. directly as well as by Goodell-Pratt Co.  After integration of Goodell Mfg. Co. into Goodell-Pratt operation, the Goodell Miter Boxes and Greenfield Drill Chucks remained in production until Goodell-Pratt Co. was absorbed by Millers Falls Co. in 1931. 

Millers Falls Co. continued offering Goodell Steel Miter Box under the name "All Steel Miter Boxes".  The Greenfield Drill Chuck was also offered, but for a shorter time.  It was listed in the Catalog No. 41, published in 1935, for the last time.

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