The World Over
It is interesting to note the way in which the
Millers Falls C0.'s business grew, more especially in far-off
corners of the world. As matters are now, its shipments move as
freely and frequently to foreign parts as to points in the home
The Cuban boy bends over a Millers Falls jig saw
machine cutting out fantastic bric-a-brac; the Argentine rancher
uses a Millers Falls bit brace in building his cattle sheds; a
Millers Falls nail puller opens packing boxes received in Japan;
the Chinese farmer carries a Millers Falls tool holder in his
blouse, and nearly every iron worker's shop in Australia has a
Millers Falls drill and hack saw.
At first, this trade was not sought, but
travelers from this country either had with them samples of
Millers Falls products or spread their fame and presently
inquiries arrived from far sections of the globe, and little by
little, and faster and faster, the company’s export trade grew
in this way. It was practically the first tool trade coming to
this country from foreign lands and was carefully fostered, and
now for many years actively sought by the company’s own agents
all over the civilized world.
The Millers Falls Co. has extended a cordial
invitation to all readers of this to visit the works at Millers
Falls, Mass. or the display rooms at No. 28 Warren street, New
York City.
NOTE from the WKFT Editor:
The Star Hack Saw story in this article is
obviously presented incorrectly and real facts are omitted.
The Star Hack Saw blades were designed, patented
and produced by Clemson Bros, Inc., a company established by
George N. Clemson before Monhagen Saw Works became a part on
National Saw Company.
Below are advertisements to these facts and more
information is available in the section on
Clemson Bros, Inc.
The first known advertisement published by
Millers Falls Co. for Star Hack Saw was placed in the American Railroad Journal, Vol. 56-57, (American
Railroad Journal Co., 1883).

In 1920 the Iron Age published the
following advertisement, place by the Clemson Bros, Inc.:

The text of this advertisement
reads the following:
"For 37 years we have made Star Hack Saw and
owned the famous Star name and brand - selling our saws
through the Millers Falls Co.
This arrangement is terminated August 15th
by mutual consent, and we will hereafter market Star Saws
ourselves direct to the trade. This development from sales
agency representation to direct selling has been going on
every line of business. Factories have found out that when
they sell their own products they are in a good position to
give the most effective trade and users' service on the
goods they make.
This is exactly what the Clemson selling
service now means to Star Saw users and the trade. It means
a closer understanding and more constructive service,
because the same organization that makes Star Saw will now
be in direct contact with the customers who buy and use
Star Saws themselves will continue the
quality leadership that for 37 years has made them the
standard blades. Star reputation has cost us a lifetime of
effort that makes us guard it jealously and concentrate our
every resource and energy in maintaining and increasing it.
The high speed qualities of the steel - the
undercut hook on the teeth - and the toughness secured by
special heat treatment - these recognized points of Star Saw
superiority are thus standardized by uniform methods of
Thus you can be sure of securing
satisfactory service from every blade you buy in the famous
green box - whether it is a power or hand blade - or hard or
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