Roots of Millers Falls Company
The lives of many
inventors, industrialists and several manufacturing enterprises
were shaped by events which begun in a small village of
Burkeville, Massachusetts in 1840s.

In 1842 Alonzo Parker begun making carpenters' and joiners'
tools here and his business prospered well. In the
"History of Conway, Massachusetts, 1767-1917" author describes:
1842 Alonzo Parker began manufacture of carpenters' and
joiners' tools in Burkeville, about forty rods above
the woolen mill and shortly afterward, organizing as
the Conway Tool Company, the business was expended until
upward of eighty men were employed.
The building was
burned in 1851 and the company transferred its operations to
Greenfield and there reorganized as the Greenfield Tool
The Burkeville village was part of Conway township,
located south-west of Greenfield, Massachusetts.

During next several years the business expended and soon
Parker affiliated with Horace Hubbard and most likely
(as the new company name suggests) with other parties. The business
changed its name to Parker, Hubbard & Co.
On some known planes
made at their shop the name appears as such - Parker, Hubbard & Co.
in The New England Mercantile Union Business Directory for 1849,
Vol. 2 p. 179. (New York: Pratt & Co.) the name is printed as
Hubbard, Parker & Co.
Further business expansion and organizational changes resulted
in business incorporation and name change. On April 15, 1850 the
business was incorporated under the name Conway Tool Company. At
that time the business was employing over eighty workers.
An Act to Incorporate the Conway Tool Company
Be it
enacted, &c., as follows:
Alonzo Parker, Horace
Hubbard, Daniel Rice, 2d, their associates and successors, are
hereby made a corporation, by the name of the Conway Tool
Company, for the purpose of manufacturing joiners' bench and
moulding tools, and the running of a saw mill for the
manufacture of lumber in the town of Conway, in the county of
Franklin, with all the powers and all the privileges, and
subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities, set
forth in the thirty-eighth and forty-fourth chapters of the
Revised Statutes.
Said corporation may, for the purposes aforesaid, hold real
estate not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, and the whole
capital stock shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars.
April 15, 1850