The Langdon miter box is a tool so well known to
our readers that an extended description of it seems
Since its first introduction, some ten years
ago, it has found its way into numerous shops throughout the
land. Still it has not entirely superseded the old wooden box,
made by the workmen who used it. To make one of these old style
wooden boxes in such a manner as to cut accurately has always
been considered one of the fine arts in the trade, and a severe
test of a mechanic's skill and ability.
With the introduction of metal boxes, this
time-honored device is becoming each year less known, and ere
long will have entirely disappeared before the advance of its
more successful rival. A mechanic's skill at present is tested
in the use of improved tools, rather than in the construction of
such devices as formerly ho was obliged to make in order to
perform his work.

The metal miter boxes were not in the most
perfected form at the date of their introduction to the trade.
The Langdon box has undergone improvements from time to time,
since its invention, all made with a view to meet the
requirements developed by use.
The last improvement which has been made upon
this article, and to which we call special attention at this
time, is the fitting of a frame to run in the guide in place of
the top of the back saw.

This device is clearly shown in the engraving.
By its use any saw may be employed with the box, so that the
workman may select the saw best suited to his work. He is no
longer restricted to the use of the saw that specially belongs
to the box, which, like all tools used in common by a number of
mechanics, is seldom in first-rate order.
What is every body's business to keep up is very
generally neglected by all, and the saw belonging to the miter
box is no exception. By this improvement each mechanic may use
his own favorite saw, be it either back, panel or framing saw,
an arrangement of which the better class of workmen will gladly
avail themselves.
The Langdon miter box is manufactured by the
Langdon Miter Box Company, 74 Chambers street. New York City,
and is few sale by the hardware trade generally.
Related Info
Wiktor A. Kuc
December, 2017