The Millers Falls Co., 28 Warren Street, New York, is offering
the trade the “Langdon” Acme Miter Box, illustrated. The makers
state that this Box embodies all important features in boxes
heretofore made, and has a number of improvements.
The guides are made one inch longer, thus holding the saw more
steadily when drawn up to its highest capacity. These guides are
provided with elevator so that the saw is held stationary above
the work when desired, as shown in the illustration.
In addition to the notches for the positive angles commonly in
use, there is provided a graduated arc in front with the various
degrees marked thereon, as shown by the plate in illustration.

The saw can be instantly secured at any intermediate or any
positive angle by means of a small thumb lever in front of Box.
The supporting guides for holding work in place are also used
where angles more acute than 45 degrees are desired. There is an
appliance for quicker adjustment of extension lever.
A length gauge is provided for duplicate parts. The steel bottom
boards are roughened to prevent the work from slipping. A
metallic index plate with degrees marked thereon is attached to
the machine.
All polished parts are nickel plated. Disston Saws
are used.
The Boxes are made in three sizes. Size 1 is provided with a
solid swinging lever, which cannot be extended, and carries the
saw four inches wide under back.
Size 2 is provided with an extension lever by which the front
post can be extended to give greater width, and carries the saw
four inches wide under back. Size 2-1/2 is same as Size 2, save
that it carries the saw five inches under the back.