Two most attractive and practical hand drills
have been put upon the market by Millers Falls Co., of Millers
Falls, Mass.
One special feature is a chuck on new design
that is compact and accurate in centering drills. It has three
jaws each in its separate solid socket and opened by springs
that are concealed and will not get out of order. Capacity is
for round shanks from 0 to 3/16 inch in diameter.
Another feature is the main handle which is of
graceful and convenient shape. This is made from birch and deep
mahogany stain and has screw cap and hollow receptacle
containing eight wood boring points.
Gears are cut, small ones being of steel and
large gear white nickeled. No. 104 drill has malleable iron
frame and one small gear while No. 304 has solid steel frame
with both working and idle small gears.

Both drills are attractively packed and boxed,
bear the striking new labels recently adopted by Millers Falls
Company. The simplicity of the design of the two drills carries
with it a moderate price.