The new illustrated catalogue of the Millers
Falls Company, of 74 Chambers Street, New York, is a pamphlet of
some fifty-odd pages.
The manufactures of this company embrace a very
large variety of articles, more particularly hand-tools for wood
an iron working, besides vises, spirit levels and other
accessories. The catalogue illustrates over 20 different styles
of braces, drills and other boring tools, including drill
braces, mounted breast drills, combination vise and drill,
boring machine, double-crank breast drill, &c.
They make vises of all kinds, the cuts showing
some nine different varieties of bench and hand vises. Besides
the articles enumerated, the Millers Falls Company manufacture
jack-screws of from 10 to 80 pounds weight, various kinds of
scroll-saws for both hand and foot power, tool-handles and other
hardware articles of a miscellaneous character.
The catalogue is very profusely illustrated, and
gives tables of dimensions and prices in all cases.