Goodell Lathe and Saw Attachments
The review below was published in the Hardware - A
Practical Journal for the Wrought, Cast, Stamped, Sheet and Spun
Metal Trades, January 12, 1895, Vol. 7, (Toronto and
Montreal, CA: The McLean Publishing Co., Ltd.)
The Goodell Lathe and Saw Attachments, of which
we here give a good illustration, is being stocked by H. S.
Howland, Sons & Co.
This lathe is patterned almost exactly after the
latest improved lathes now used in the best machine shops and
pattern-makers' rooms. The scroll sawing attachment, as seen in
the cut, is secured to the lathe bed by one bolt and can be put
on or off at pleasure.

This attachment has all of the
improvements found in any of their scroll saws. This lathe is
well built and highly finished, the planed and polished parts
being nickel plated. The whole weight of the machine is 56 lbs.